Finding Our Strength Together

Navigating life after a sexual assault
can be an isolating and scary journey.

Many survivors struggle with the weight of their assault in silence; fearful of judgment, disbelief, or even blame; feeling isolated even within their circle of loved ones.

Not What Defines Us provides:

An anonymous, private, online community of support
Information to help empower healing
A shared journey moving towards healing and living the life you want
  • Not What Defines Us

    I wish this community existed when my assault first happened. I will be here now for others.


  • Not What Defines Us

    Just knowing there are others going through this and moving forward makes it a little lighter


  • Not What Defines Us

    I just joined. I need to try something to get to a better life


Together, We Are Stronger

Unbreakable Spirit:
Building Our Futures Together.

You're ready to move forward. We're here to help.